slurm 网路监控软件使用

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最近实验室hj同学,推荐了一款网络监控软件:slurm; 其和著名的工作调度工具同名,但是其实是另外一种网络负载监控软件: 

最近实验室hj同学,推荐了一款网络监控软件:slurm; 其和著名的工作调度工具同名,但是其实是另外一种网络负载监控软件: 

NAME      slurm - yet another network load monitor  SYNOPSIS      slurm [-hHz] [-csl] [-d delay] -i interface  DESCRIPTION      slurm is a generic network load monitor which shows device statistics together with a nice ascii graph. Three different types of graphs are supported.  OPTIONS      -h      Print usage information and quit.       -H      add hostname to title       -c      start slurm with classic/combined graph       -s      start slurm in split graph mode       -l      start slurm in large split graph mode       -z      virtually zero traffic counters instead of showing values stored in kernel       -d delay              delay between screen updates in milliseconds (1000 = once per second)       -i interface              select interface to monitor (required)  KEYS      slurm supports several different keys for interaction:       c       switch to classic mode       s       switch to split graph mode       l       switch to large graph mode       L       enable TX/RX led       m       switch between classic, split and large view       z       zero counters       r       redraw screen       q       quit slurm


slurm -i eth0 # or whatever your interface is


slurm 网路监控软件使用
