- A+
- 串口打开、关闭
- 串口参数设置
- 串口数据发送与接收
- 串口MODEM信号设置与读取
- 串口Break信号发送
/** * libtty_open - open tty device * @devname: the device name to open * * In this demo device is opened blocked, you could modify it at will. */ static int libtty_open(const char *devname) { int fd = open(devname, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY); int flags = 0; if (fd < 0) { perror("open device failed"); return -1; } /* 恢复串口为阻塞状态 */ flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK; if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags) < 0) { printf("fcntl failed.n"); return -1; } /* 测试该设备是否为tty设备 */ if (isatty(fd) == 0) { printf("not tty device.n"); return -1; } else printf("tty device test ok.n"); return fd; }
- devname 参数为设备绝对路径,如:“/dev/ttyUSB0”
- O_NOCTTY标志用于通知系统,这个程序不会成为对应这个设备的控制终端。如果没有指定这个标志,那么任何一个输入(如SIGINT等)都将会影响用户的进程;
- O_NDELAY标志与O_NONBLOCK 等效,但这里不仅仅是设置为非阻塞,还用于通知系统,这个程序不关心 DCD 信号线所处的状态(即与设备相连的另一端是否激活或者停止)。如果用户指定了这一标志,则进程将会一直处在休眠状态,直到 DCD 信号线被激活;
/** * libtty_close - close tty device * @fd: the device handle * * The function return 0 if success, others if fail. */ static int libtty_close(int fd) { return close(fd); }
/** * libtty_setopt - config tty device * @fd: device handle * @speed: baud rate to set * @databits: data bits to set * @stopbits: stop bits to set * @parity: parity to set * @hardflow: hardflow to set * * The function return 0 if success, or -1 if fail. */ static int libtty_setopt(int fd, int speed, int databits, int stopbits, char parity, char hardflow) { struct termios newtio; struct termios oldtio; int i; bzero(&newtio, sizeof(newtio)); bzero(&oldtio, sizeof(oldtio)); /* 先保存之前配置,以防后续步骤出错无法恢复 */ if (tcgetattr(fd, &oldtio) != 0) { perror("tcgetattr"); return -1; } newtio.c_cflag |= CLOCAL | CREAD; newtio.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; /* 串口波特率设置*/ switch (speed): { case 1200: cfsetspeed(&newtio, B1200); break; case 2400: cfsetspeed(&newtio, B2400); break; case 4800: cfsetspeed(&newtio, B4800); break; case 9600: cfsetspeed(&newtio, B9600); break; case 19200: cfsetspeed(&newtio, B19200); break; case 38400: cfsetspeed(&newtio, B38400); break; case 57600: cfsetspeed(&newtio, B57600); break; case 115200: cfsetspeed(&newtio, B115200); break; case 230400: cfsetspeed(&newtio, B230400); break; case 460800: cfsetspeed(&newtio, B460800); break; case 921600: cfsetspeed(&newtio, B921600); break; default: