Website load balance – Nginx

  • A+

The tests are based on a developed website, which is hostd on IIS 7.5. A static html page is under the tests via webbench 1.5.

The tests are based on a developed website, which is hostd on IIS 7.5. A static html page is under the tests via webbench 1.5.

Webbench simulated 1000 clients, running 300 sec. to access the website. Nginx is used to distribute web reqeusts to different websites.

This time, the tests are all running on the virtual machines. 

1 website:

Speed=91117 pages/min, 777535 bytes/sec. => 759KB/sec
Requests: 455587 susceed, 0 failed.

2 websites:

Speed=92961 pages/min, 793268 bytes/sec. => 775KB/sec

Requests: 464806 susceed, 0 failed.

 3 websites

Speed=94324 pages/min, 804899 bytes/sec. => 786KB/sec.
Requests: 471621 susceed, 0 failed.


Based on succeed requests, there is 2.02% and 3.52% increase. The more IIS websites added, the more throughput produced.

When more websites were added in different virtual machines, more throughput could be achived.