第六章 链表

  • A+




  • 添加和删除操作一定要记得维护count
  • push的时候注意是否为插入第一个元素
  • 指定位置插入的时候更要注意是否为插入第一个还是插入最后一个,这两个都要做一定的特殊处理


  • 插入元素的时候注意是否为第一次插入,如果是需要维护head,tail两个指针,移除也是一样
  • 记得维护元素的prev指针,还有headprev指针为undefined,以及tailnext的指针为undefined







第六章 链表


  • push(element(s)) : 向链表尾部添加一个(或多个)新的项
  • getElementAt(index) :获取链表指定位置的一个元素
  • insert(element,index) : 在链表指定位置插入一个元素
  • removeAt(index) : 移除链表中指定位置的元素
  • remove(element) : 移除链表中指定的元素
  • indexOf(element) : 返回当前元素在链表中的位置
  • getHead() : 返回链表的头部
  • clear() : 移除链表中的所有元素
  • size() : 返回链表的元素个数
  • isEmpty: 链表是空的
class Node<T> {     constructor(public element: T, public next?: Node<T>) {} }  export type IEqualsFunction<T> = (a: T, b: T) => boolean;  function defaultEquals<T>(a: T, b: T): boolean {     return a === b; }  export default class LinkedList<T> {     protected count = 0;     protected head: Node<T> | undefined;      constructor(protected equalsFn: IEqualsFunction<T> = defaultEquals) {     }      // 插入到元素的最尾处     push(element: T): void {         let node = new Node(element);         if (this.head === undefined) {             this.head = node;         }else{             //使用类型断言解决下面提示错误问题,因为这里肯定能取到值             let current = this.getElementAt(this.count - 1) as Node<T>;             current.next = node;         }         this.count++;     }      getElementAt(index: number): Node<T> | undefined {         if (index >= this.count && index < 0) {             return undefined;         }         //这里拿到了第0个         let current: (Node<T> | undefined) = this.head;         //这里从1开始         let i = 1;         //循环判断是否存在node,并且判断i <= index,这里要取等于,传入的index为下标(取第3个数,传入下标2)         while (i <= index && current) {             current = current.next;             //这里要进行i++             i++;         }         return current;     }       // 指定位置插入,一定要记得count++     insert(element: T, index: number) {         let node = new Node(element);         // 头部插入         if (index === 0) {             let current = this.head;             this.head = node;             node.next = current;             this.count++;             return true;         }         //尾部插入         if (index === this.count) {             this.push(element)             return true;         }         //其他位置插入         if (index > 0 && index < this.count) {             let prev = this.getElementAt(index - 1);             if (prev) {                 let current = prev.next;                 prev.next = node;                 node.next = current;                 this.count++;                 return true;             }         }         return false;     }      //移除元素要count--     removeAt(index: number): T | undefined {         if (index >= this.count) {             return undefined;         }         if (index === 0) {             return this.removeHead();         }          let prev = this.getElementAt(index - 1) as Node<T>;         let current = prev.next;         if (current) {             prev.next = current.next;         } else {             prev.next = undefined;         }         this.count--;         return current && current.element;     }      private removeHead(): T |undefined {         if(this.head){             let value = this.head.element;             this.head = this.head.next;             this.count--;             return value;         }     }      remove(element: T): T | undefined {         // 如果链表没有数据         if (!this.head) {             return undefined;         }         if (this.head.element === element) {             return this.removeHead()         }         let current = this.head;         let prev: Node<T> = this.head;         while (current) {             if (current.element === element) {                 prev.next = current.next;                 this.count--;                 return element;             }             prev = current;             current = current.next;         }         return undefined;     }      indexOf(element: T): number {         let current = this.head;         let index: number = -1;         while (current) {             index++;             if (element === current.element) {                 return index;             }             current = current.next;         }         return -1;     }      size() {         return this.count;     }      getHead() {         return this.head;     }      isEmpty() {         return this.count === 0;     }      clear() {         this.head = undefined;         this.count = 0;     }      toString() {         if (this.head == null) {             return '';         }         let objString = `${this.head.element}`;         let current = this.head.next;         for (let i = 1; i < this.size() && current != null; i++) {             objString = `${objString},${current.element}`;             current = current.next;         }         return objString;     } } 





第六章 链表


  • 以上链表的方法
  • getTail() : 返回双向链表的尾部
class DoublyNode<T> {     constructor(public element:T, public next?:DoublyNode<T>,public prev?:DoublyNode<T>) {     } }  export default class DoublyLinkedList<T> {     head: DoublyNode<T> | undefined;//头部指针     tail: DoublyNode<T> | undefined; //尾部指针     count: number;//总个数       constructor() {         this.head = undefined;         this.tail = undefined;         this.count = 0;     }      /**      * 向链表最后添加一个元素      * @param element  插入的元素      * 因为是尾部插入,所以不需要维护插入元素的next指针,但是需要维护prev指针      */     push(element: T) {         //生成一个node节点         let node = new DoublyNode(element);         //判断是否为第一个元素 || 判断是否为最后一个元素         if (!this.tail) {             this.head = node;             this.tail = node;         } else {             /**              * 头部插入              let current = this.head;              //判断是否有下一个元素,有就循环,这样就可以找到最后一个元素了              while (current.next) {                 current = current.next;              }              //将元素放在next元素后面              current.next = node;              //将node的prev指针指向current              node.prev = current;              //将尾部指针指向node              this.tail = node;              */              //但是我这个时候明显是有尾指针的,所以可以直接从尾部插入             //获取最后一个元素             let current = this.tail;             //将最后一个元素的next指针指向node             current.next = node;             //将node的prev指针指向current             node.prev = current;             //将tail指针指向node             this.tail = node;         }         //注意这里一定要更新count         this.count++;     }      /**      * 获取指定位置的元素      * @param index   传入的index为下标      * 下标约定从0开始      * 优化:可以根据index的值,与count的值对比,判断从头还是从尾开始搜索      */     getElementAt(index: number) {         /**          * 两种情况是不需要找的          * 1.当下标(index)大于等于总数(count)          * 2.当下标小于0          */         if (index >= this.count || index < 0) {             return undefined;         }         //其他情况都应该找得到元素,默认拿到第0个元素         let current = this.head;         /**          * 这里用for循环更好点,如果用while循环可能会忘记维护这个i,毕竟我们不是找最后一个          * 第二这里要注意我们需要找到i === index的那个元素          * 第三我们这里循环从i = 1开始,因为我们默认就拿到0的元素了          *          * 第四,当然我们把第二第三点合在一起就得到了  let i = 0; i < index && current; i++          */         for (let i = 1; i <= index && current; i++) {             current = current.next;         }         //返回         return current;     }       /**      * 这里指定位置插入元素      * @param element  插入的元素      * @param index    插入的位置      *      * 注意点      * index 不能大于count,或小于0,否则显示插入失败(等于count,等于push)      * index === 0 时添加到头部,这里要特殊处理      * index === this.count 时是push一个新元素      */     insert(element: T, index: number) {         if (index > this.count || index < 0) {             return false;         }         let node = new DoublyNode(element);         if (index === 0) {             if (this.head) {                 //取下头                 let current = this.head;                 //node的next指针指向current                 node.next = current;                 //current的prev指针指向node                 current.prev = node;                 //再将node安装在头上                 this.head = node;              } else {                 this.head = node;                 this.tail = node;             }             //别忘了维护count             this.count++;             return true;          }         if (index === this.count) {             this.push(element);             return true;         }         //找到当前需要替换位置的元素         let current = this.getElementAt(index) as DoublyNode<T>;         //找到上一个元素prevElement         let prevElement = current.prev as DoublyNode<T>;         //将其next指针指向node(断开与current的联系,并与node建立联系)         prevElement.next = node;         //将current的prev指针指向node(断开与prevElement的联系,并与node建立联系)         current.prev = node;         //node的prev指针指向prevElement         node.prev = prevElement;         //node的next指针指向current         node.next = current;         //别忘了维护count         this.count++;         return true;     }       /**      * 移除指定下标元素      * @param index  指定下标      * @return T     返回移除的元素值      * 判断下标      * 如果index >= count || index < 0 返回undifend      * index === 0 是一种特殊情况      * index === count - 1 一种特殊情况      * count - 1 === index 的情况维护tail      */     removeAt(index: number) {         if (index >= this.count || index < 0 || !this.head) {             return undefined;         }         let current: DoublyNode<T> | undefined = undefined;         if (index === 0) {             current = this.head;             this.head = current.next;             //只有一个元素             if (this.count === 1) {                 this.tail = undefined;             }         } else {             //获取到需要移除的元素.上面已经排除第一个元素,所以这里应该是可以拿到一个节点的             current = this.getElementAt(index) as DoublyNode<T>;             //因为不再第一个节点上,所以肯定能获取到上一个元素             let prevElement = current.prev as DoublyNode<T>;             //获取下一个节点,这里如果是最后一个元素,也无所谓,因为next会有一个默认值undefined             let nextElement = current.next;             //架空当前元素             prevElement.next = nextElement;             //因为可能会没有获取到对应的next(最后一个元素的时候),所以有就将prev指针指向prevElement,没有就过             if (nextElement) {                 nextElement.prev = prevElement             }             //当元素为最后一个的时候,移除后将tail指向prevElement             else {                 this.tail = prevElement;             }         }         //记得维护count         this.count--;         return current ? current.element : undefined;     }      remove(element: T) {      }      /**      * 查找元素所在位置      * @param element 查找的元素      * 如果没有找到返回-1      */     indexOf(element: T): number {         if (this.head) {             let index = 0;             let current: DoublyNode<T> | undefined = this.head;             while (current) {                 //如果元素的内容等于传入值,返回index                 if (current.element === element) {                     return index;                 }                 //否则将current 赋值为 next                 current = current.next;                 //并且计数表示当前元素的位置                 index++;             }         }         //不满足条件,或者循环完所有的元素后还是没有这个元素的信息,就返回-1         return -1;     }      isEmpty() {         return this.count === 0;     }      size() {         return this.count;     }      getHead() {         return this.head;     }      getTail() {         return this.tail     }      clear() {         this.head = undefined;         this.tail = undefined;         this.count = 0;     }      toString() {         if (this.head == null) {             return '';         }         let objString = `${this.head.element}`;         let current = this.head.next;         while (current != null) {             objString = `${objString},${current.element}`;             current = current.next;         }         return objString;     }      inverseToString() {         if (this.tail == null) {             return '';         }         let objString = `${this.tail.element}`;         let previous = this.tail.prev;         while (previous != null) {             objString = `${objString},${previous.element}`;             previous = previous.prev;         }         return objString;     } }  



type IEqualsFunction<T> = (a: T, b: T) => boolean;  function defaultEquals<T>(a: T, b: T): boolean {   return a === b; }  class Node<T> {   constructor(public element: T, public next?: Node<T>) {} }    export default class LinkedList<T> {   protected count = 0;   protected head: Node<T> | undefined;    constructor(protected equalsFn: IEqualsFunction<T> = defaultEquals) {}    push(element: T) {     const node = new Node(element);     let current;      if (this.head == null) {       // catches null && undefined       this.head = node;     } else {       current = this.head;        while (current.next != null) {         current = current.next;       }        current.next = node;     }     this.count++;   }    getElementAt(index: number) {     if (index >= 0 && index <= this.count) {       let node = this.head;       for (let i = 0; i < index && node != null; i++) {         node = node.next;       }       return node;     }     return undefined;   }    insert(element: T, index: number) {     if (index >= 0 && index <= this.count) {       const node = new Node(element);        if (index === 0) {         const current = this.head;         node.next = current;         this.head = node;       } else {         const previous = this.getElementAt(index - 1);         node.next = previous.next;         previous.next = node;       }       this.count++;       return true;     }     return false;   }    removeAt(index: number) {     if (index >= 0 && index < this.count) {       let current = this.head;        if (index === 0) {         this.head = current.next;       } else {         const previous = this.getElementAt(index - 1);         current = previous.next;         previous.next = current.next;       }       this.count--;       return current.element;     }     return undefined;   }    remove(element: T) {     const index = this.indexOf(element);     return this.removeAt(index);   }    indexOf(element: T) {     let current = this.head;      for (let i = 0; i < this.size() && current != null; i++) {       if (this.equalsFn(element, current.element)) {         return i;       }       current = current.next;     }      return -1;   }    isEmpty() {     return this.size() === 0;   }    size() {     return this.count;   }    getHead() {     return this.head;   }    clear() {     this.head = undefined;     this.count = 0;   }    toString() {     if (this.head == null) {       return '';     }     let objString = `${this.head.element}`;     let current = this.head.next;     for (let i = 1; i < this.size() && current != null; i++) {       objString = `${objString},${current.element}`;       current = current.next;     }     return objString;   } }  


class DoublyNode<T> extends Node<T> {   constructor(     public element: T,     public next?: DoublyNode<T>,     public prev?: DoublyNode<T>   ) {     super(element, next);   } }  type IEqualsFunction<T> = (a: T, b: T) => boolean;  function defaultEquals<T>(a: T, b: T): boolean {   return a === b; }  export default class DoublyLinkedList<T> extends LinkedList<T> {   protected head: DoublyNode<T> | undefined;   protected tail: DoublyNode<T> | undefined;    constructor(protected equalsFn: IEqualsFunction<T> = defaultEquals) {     super(equalsFn);   }    push(element: T) {     const node = new DoublyNode(element);      if (this.head == null) {       this.head = node;       this.tail = node; // NEW     } else {       // attach to the tail node // NEW       this.tail.next = node;       node.prev = this.tail;       this.tail = node;     }     this.count++;   }    insert(element: T, index: number) {     if (index >= 0 && index <= this.count) {       const node = new DoublyNode(element);       let current = this.head;        if (index === 0) {         if (this.head == null) {           // NEW           this.head = node;           this.tail = node;         } else {           node.next = this.head;           this.head.prev = node; // NEW           this.head = node;         }       } else if (index === this.count) {         // last item // NEW         current = this.tail; // {2}         current.next = node;         node.prev = current;         this.tail = node;       } else {         const previous = this.getElementAt(index - 1);         current = previous.next;         node.next = current;         previous.next = node;          current.prev = node; // NEW         node.prev = previous; // NEW       }       this.count++;       return true;     }     return false;   }    removeAt(index: number) {     if (index >= 0 && index < this.count) {       let current = this.head;        if (index === 0) {         this.head = this.head.next; // {1}         // if there is only one item, then we update tail as well //NEW         if (this.count === 1) {           // {2}           this.tail = undefined;         } else {           this.head.prev = undefined; // {3}         }       } else if (index === this.count - 1) {         // last item //NEW         current = this.tail; // {4}         this.tail = current.prev;         this.tail.next = undefined;       } else {         current = this.getElementAt(index);         const previous = current.prev;         // link previous with current's next - skip it to remove         previous.next = current.next; // {6}         current.next.prev = previous; // NEW       }       this.count--;       return current.element;     }     return undefined;   }    indexOf(element: T) {     let current = this.head;     let index = 0;      while (current != null) {       if (this.equalsFn(element, current.element)) {         return index;       }       index++;       current = current.next;     }      return -1;   }    getHead() {     return this.head;   }    getTail() {     return this.tail;   }    clear() {     super.clear();     this.tail = undefined;   }    toString() {     if (this.head == null) {       return '';     }     let objString = `${this.head.element}`;     let current = this.head.next;     while (current != null) {       objString = `${objString},${current.element}`;       current = current.next;     }     return objString;   }    inverseToString() {     if (this.tail == null) {       return '';     }     let objString = `${this.tail.element}`;     let previous = this.tail.prev;     while (previous != null) {       objString = `${objString},${previous.element}`;       previous = previous.prev;     }     return objString;   } } 


class Node<T> {   constructor(public element: T, public next?: Node<T>) {} }  type IEqualsFunction<T> = (a: T, b: T) => boolean;  function defaultEquals<T>(a: T, b: T): boolean {   return a === b; }  export default class CircularLinkedList<T> extends LinkedList<T> {   constructor(protected equalsFn: IEqualsFunction<T> = defaultEquals) {     super(equalsFn);   }    push(element: T) {     const node = new Node(element);     let current;      if (this.head == null) {       this.head = node;     } else {       current = this.getElementAt(this.size() - 1);       current.next = node;     }      // set node.next to head - to have circular list     node.next = this.head;      this.count++;   }    insert(element: T, index: number) {     if (index >= 0 && index <= this.count) {       const node = new Node(element);       let current = this.head;        if (index === 0) {         if (this.head == null) {           // if no node  in list           this.head = node;           node.next = this.head;         } else {           node.next = current;           current = this.getElementAt(this.size());           // update last element           this.head = node;           current.next = this.head;         }       } else {         const previous = this.getElementAt(index - 1);         node.next = previous.next;         previous.next = node;       }       this.count++;       return true;     }     return false;   }    removeAt(index: number) {     if (index >= 0 && index < this.count) {       let current = this.head;        if (index === 0) {         if (this.size() === 1) {           this.head = undefined;         } else {           const removed = this.head;           current = this.getElementAt(this.size() - 1);           this.head = this.head.next;           current.next = this.head;           current = removed;         }       } else {         // no need to update last element for circular list         const previous = this.getElementAt(index - 1);         current = previous.next;         previous.next = current.next;       }       this.count--;       return current.element;     }     return undefined;   } }   
