- A+
第二期 · 使用 Vue 3.1 + TypeScript + Router + Tailwind.css 仿 itch.io 平台主页。
我的主题 HapiGames 是仿 itch.io 的 indie game hosting marketplace。
alicepolice/Vue at 06 (github.com)
Prop 定义
Prop 定义应该尽量详细,至少需要指定其类型。Props | Vue.js (vuejs.org)
Vue的选项式API为我们提供了Prop校验,你可以向 props
选项提供一个带有 props 校验选项的对象,当 prop 的校验失败后,Vue 会抛出一个控制台警告 (开发模式)。(如果用ts的话更好)
注意 prop 的校验是在组件实例被创建之前,所以实例的属性 (比如 data
等) 将在 default
或 validator
因为 v-for 优先级比 v-if 高,所以每次渲染时必定会遍历数组所有元素。避免 v-if 和 v-for 用在一起
- 过滤后的列表只会在对应数组发生相关变化时才被重新运算,过滤更高效。
- 使用
v-for="item in afterComputed"
之后,在渲染的时候遍历元素少了,渲染更高效。 - 解耦渲染层的逻辑,可维护性 (对逻辑的更改和扩展) 更强。
components/ |- TodoList.vue |- TodoListItem.vue |- TodoListItemButton.vue
在单文件组件、字符串模板和 JSX 中没有内容的组件应该是自闭合的——但在 DOM 模板里永远不要这样做。 自闭合组件
<!-- 在单文件组件、字符串模板和 JSX 中 --> <MyComponent/> <!-- 在 DOM 模板中 --> <my-component></my-component>
Prop 名大小写
在声明 prop 的时候,其命名应该始终使用 camelCase,而在模板和 JSX 中应该始终使用 kebab-case。 Prop 名大小写
props: { greetingText: String }
<WelcomeMessage greeting-text="hi"/>
应该把复杂计算属性分割为尽可能多的更简单的 property。 简单的计算属性
单文件组件应该总是让 <script>、<template> 和 <style> 标签的顺序保持一致。且 <style> 要放在最后,因为另外两个标签至少要有一个。 单文件组件的顶级元素的顺序
应该优先通过 prop 和事件进行父子组件之间的通信,而不是
或变更 prop。 隐性的父子组件通信
数据流应该是单向的,不要反向修改 props。
为了方便调试,我们在 index.css 下新增一个样式组合,通过添加test类样式类看到块元素的边框。
.test{ @apply border border-gray-900 }
├───assets │ ├───avater │ │ 用户头像 │ ├───blog │ │ 博文封面图 │ ├───diffuse │ │ 模糊背景 │ ├───game │ │ 游戏封面图 │ ├───logo │ │ 网站logo │ ├───slideshow │ │ 轮播图样图 │ └───svg │ 很多矢量图 ├───components │ ├───common │ │ BottomBar.vue │ │ CommentArea.vue │ │ SideBar.vue │ │ SideBarHref.vue │ │ SlideShow.vue │ │ TopBar.vue │ │ │ └───HomeView │ GameBlog.vue │ GameInfo.vue │ GameList.vue │ HomeFAQ.vue │ HomeFooter.vue │ PlatformNavigation.vue │ TopNavigation.vue │ ├───router │ index.ts └───views AboutView.vue CommentTestView.vue HomeLoginView.vue HomeView.vue LoginView.vue RegisterView.vue
网站顶部组件 TopBar.vue
在 src/components/common 下新建 TopBar.vue,并移入之前写的 BottomBar.vue。
<template> <div class="h-12 shadow-md"> <div class="inline-block h-full w-16"> <b-icon-list class="text-3xl mt-2 ml-4"></b-icon-list> </div> <div class="inline-block h-full w-48"> <img src="@/assets/logo/logo3.png" alt="我的Vue之旅 06 超详细、仿 itch.io 主页设计(Mobile)" class="mt-1 h-4/5 w-full" /> </div> <div class="inline-block float-right mt-2.5 mr-4"> <div class=" border-2 border-gray-300 px-3.5 py-0.5 rounded-sm text-sm font-bold " > Log in </div> </div> </div> </template>
侧边导航栏组件 SideBar.vue
我的Vue之旅、05 导航栏、登录、注册 (Mobile) - 小能日记 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
当我们在App.vue中注释掉现有的底部导航栏,此时会出现错误item.routerName => item对象的类型为 "unknown"。
<template> <router-view @set-bottom-flag="setBottomFlag" /> <!-- <BottomBar v-show="bottomFlag" :items="bottomItems" /> --> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue"; // import BottomBar from "@/components/BottomBar.vue"; export default defineComponent({ name: "App", components: { // BottomBar, } ...
运行时 props
选项仅支持使用构造函数来作为一个 prop 的类型,没有办法指定多层级对象或函数签名之类的复杂类型。在这里可以使用 PropType 注释复杂的props类型,报错解决。
<script lang="ts"> import { PropType } from "vue"; interface BottomItem { text: string; icon: string; routerName: string; } export default { props: { items: { type: Array as PropType<BottomItem[]>, required: true, }, }, }; </script>
在 src/components/common 下新建 SideBarHref.vue
添加样式 hover:text-rose-500 hover:underline
<a :href="value.href">
<template> <div class="mt-8 mx-2"> <div class="font-bold text-stone-700 text-sm">{{ items.title }}</div> <div class="w-full text-stone-600 mt-2 text-sm"> <template v-for="(value, index) in items.items" :key="index"> <a :href="value.href"> <div class=" py-1 inline-block w-1/2 align-middle hover:text-rose-500 hover:underline " v-html="value.text" ></div> </a> </template> </div> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { PropType } from "vue"; interface item { text: string; href: string; } interface items { items: item[]; title: string; } export default { name: "SideBarHref", props: { items: { type: Object as PropType<items>, required: true }, }, }; </script>
在 src/components/common 下新建 SideBar.vue 以下代码片段均为分段表示,不是完整代码。
fixed 用于固定遮蔽层。z-30用于设置优先级,先显示在前面。v-show由App.vue传入,顶部组件通知App.vue事件对应的方法修改,进而引发当前transition的过渡。
html - Vue Transition with Tailwind - Stack Overflow
<template> <transition enter-active-class="duration-200" enter-from-class="opacity-0" enter-to-class="opacity-100" leave-active-class="duration-200" leave-to-class="opacity-0" leave-from-class="opacity-100" > <div class="fixed z-30 h-full w-full" v-show="showFlag" id="model"> <div class="bg-black h-full w-full opacity-50"></div> </div> </transition>
overflow-auto 可以让侧边栏在内容溢出时具备滚动条。
<transition enter-active-class="duration-200 ease-out" enter-from-class="-translate-x-64" enter-to-class="translate-x-0" leave-active-class="duration-200 ease-in" leave-from-class="translate-x-0" leave-to-class="-translate-x-64" > <div class="fixed z-40 top-12 w-64 h-full bg-stone-100 border-r overflow-auto" v-show="showFlag" id="sideBar" >
focus:outline-none focus:ring focus:border-blue-200
<div class="mt-3 mx-2"> <input id="search" class=" bg-white focus:outline-none focus:ring focus:border-blue-200 py-1.5 pl-3 w-full border border-gray-300 text-sm " type="text" placeholder="Search games & creators" v-model="search" /> </div>
<SideBarHref :items="popularTags"></SideBarHref> <SideBarHref :items="browse"></SideBarHref> <SideBarHref :items="gamesByPrice"></SideBarHref>
download app
<div class="h-20 text-center"> <div class="pt-6"> <template v-for="(value, index) in appInfo.apps" :key="index"> <a :href="value.href"> <component :is="value.icon" class="inline m-1 text-xl hover:text-rose-500" ></component> </a> </template> <a :href="appInfo.download.href"> <span class=" text-xs text-stone-800 mx-2 hover:text-rose-500 hover:underline " >{{ appInfo.download.title }}</span > </a> </div> </div>
data() { return { search: "", popularTags: { title: "POPULAR TAGS", items: [ { text: "Horror games", href: "" }, { text: "Multiplayer", href: "" }, { text: "Visual novels", href: "" }, { text: "HTML5 games", href: "" }, { text: "Simulation", href: "" }, { text: "macOS games", href: "" }, { text: "Roguelike", href: "" }, { text: "Linux games", href: "" }, { text: "Browse all tags", href: "" }, ], }, browse: { title: "BROWSE", ....
我们的想法是按下顶部组件左边的 list icon,弹出导航栏,再按一次关闭导航栏。
<template> <TopBar @changeSideFlag="changeSideFlag"></TopBar> <SideBar :show-flag="sideFlag"></SideBar> <div class="absolute top-12 w-full z-10"> <router-view /> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue"; import TopBar from "./components/common/TopBar.vue"; import SideBar from "./components/common/SideBar.vue"; export default defineComponent({ name: "App", components: { TopBar, SideBar, }, data() { return { sideFlag: false as boolean, }; }, methods: { changeSideFlag(): void { this.sideFlag = !this.sideFlag; }, }, }); </script>
[TS]defineComponent 作用
App.vue 里的 export default defineComponent({
搭配 TypeScript 使用 Vue | Vue.js (vuejs.org)
defineComponent 是TypeScript独有的,可以根据选项式API的props、data自动推导各个字段的类型,当在生命周期函数、Methods函数、模板表达式中使用这些字段时可以进行类型检查。(不显式引入编译器默认自动引入)
<template> <HomeFAQ /> <TopNavigation :top-navigation="topNavigation"></TopNavigation> <GameInfo :game-info="gameInfo"></GameInfo> <GameBlog :game-blog="gameBlog"></GameBlog> <PlatformNavigation :platform-navigation="platformNavigation" ></PlatformNavigation> <GameList :game-list="latestGames"></GameList> <GameList :game-list="mostFeatureGames"></GameList> <HomeFooter /> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue"; import GameInfo from "../components/HomeView/GameInfo.vue"; import GameBlog from "../components/HomeView/GameBlog.vue"; import HomeFAQ from "../components/HomeView/HomeFAQ.vue"; import TopNavigation from "../components/HomeView/TopNavigation.vue"; import GameList from "../components/HomeView/GameList.vue"; import PlatformNavigation from "../components/HomeView/PlatformNavigation.vue"; import HomeFooter from "../components/HomeView/HomeFooter.vue"; export default defineComponent({ name: "HomeView", components: { GameInfo, GameBlog, HomeFAQ, TopNavigation, GameList, PlatformNavigation, HomeFooter, }, data() { return { topNavigation: [ { text: "All Games", href: "" }, { text: "Game jams", href: "" }, { text: "Developer Logs", href: "" }, { text: "Community", href: "" }, { text: "Bundles", href: "" }, ], gameInfo: { youtube: "https://www.youtube.com/embed/U7MJljsoUSo?autoplay=0&fs=0&iv_load_policy=3&showinfo=0&rel=0&cc_load_policy=0&start=0&end=0", title: "Baba Is You", desc: "You can change the rules by which you play", price: "$14.99", platforms: ["b-icon-windows", "b-icon-apple"], images: [ require("@/assets/slideshow/1.png"), require("@/assets/slideshow/2.png"), require("@/assets/slideshow/3.png"), require("@/assets/slideshow/4.png"), require("@/assets/slideshow/5.png"), ], }, gameBlog: [ { title: "Games of the Month: surrealist solitaire puzzles", text: `What’s that? You need more games? I hear you, anonymous hapi fan. We’ve reached the part of the year when games start coming out fast`, img: require("@/assets/blog/1.jpg"), }, { title: "Games of the Month: Puzzles!", text: `Sometimes you need a good puzzle game, just something to throw all of your attention at and ignore anything else going on. Well if that sometime for you is right now, then you’re in luck because in this Games of the Month`, img: require("@/assets/blog/2.jpg"), }, { title: "The next hapi Creator Day is July 29th!", text: ` I don’t think I’m allowed to make the entire body of this post “The next itch.io Creator Day is taking place on Friday July 29th.” I mean it’s true, we are hosting the next itch.io Creator Day on Friday July 29th but I should probably write more here.`, img: require("@/assets/blog/3.jpg"), }, ], platformNavigation: [ { title: "Windows", href: "", img: require("@/assets/svg/windows.svg"), }, { title: "macOS", href: "", img: require("@/assets/svg/apple.svg"), }, { title: "Linux", href: "", img: require("@/assets/svg/linux.svg"), }, { title: "Android", href: "", img: require("@/assets/svg/android.svg"), }, { title: "iOS", href: "", img: require("@/assets/svg/apple.svg"), }, { title: "Web", href: "", img: require("@/assets/svg/web.svg"), }, { title: "Free", href: "", img: require("@/assets/svg/free.svg"), }, { title: "On Sale", href: "", img: require("@/assets/svg/sale.svg"), }, { title: "Top Seller", href: "", img: require("@/assets/svg/star.svg"), }, { title: "Recent", href: "", img: require("@/assets/svg/recent.svg"), }, ], latestGames: { title: "Latest Featured Games", button: { title: "View all", href: "", }, games: [ { title: "Late Night Mop", text: "A haunted house cleaning simulator.", img: require("@/assets/game/1.png"), price: 0, }, { title: "an average day at the cat cafe", text: "A haunted house cleaning simulator.", img: require("@/assets/game/2.png"), price: 0, web: true, }, { title: "Corebreaker", text: "A fast-paced action-platform shooter game with roguelike elements.", img: require("@/assets/game/3.png"), price: 19.99, tags: ["Difficult", "Fast-Paced"], }, { title: "Beacon Pines", text: "Normal isn't what it used to be.", img: require("@/assets/game/4.png"), price: 4.99, }, { title: "Atuel", text: "Traverse a surrealist landscape inspired by the Atuel River in Argentina.", img: require("@/assets/game/5.png"), price: 0, }, ], }, mostFeatureGames: { title: "Most Featured Games", button: { title: "View all", href: "", }, games: [ { title: "Hitobito no Hikari - Heian Jidai", text: "A survival horror TTRPG about cursed priestesses.", img: require("@/assets/game/6.png"), tags: ["Physical games"], price: 3, }, { title: "Doko Roko", text: "A symbiosis with ancient shadows. A tower full of demons. A proverb.", img: require("@/assets/game/7.png"), price: 10, }, { title: "The Zachtronics Solitaire Collection", text: "All seven Zachtronics solitaire games, updated with new 4K graphics, plus one brand new Tarot-themed solitaire variant.", img: require("@/assets/game/8.png"), price: 9.99, tags: ["Card Game", "Singleplayer"], }, { title: "Mixolumia", text: "Entrancing musical falling block puzzler.", img: require("@/assets/game/9.png"), price: 10, tags: ["High Score", "Arcade"], }, { title: "Atuel", text: "Traverse a surrealist landscape inspired by the Atuel River in Argentina.", img: require("@/assets/game/5.png"), price: 0, }, { title: "Corebreaker", text: "A fast-paced action-platform shooter game with roguelike elements.", img: require("@/assets/game/3.png"), price: 19.99, tags: ["Difficult", "Fast-Paced"], }, ], }, }; }, }); </script>
<template> <div class="h-24 p-2 text-sm bg-stone-100"> <div class="mt-1"> <b>HapiGames</b> is a simple way to find and share indie games online for free. </div> <div class="mt-2"> <a class="underline text-rose-500">Add your game</a> or <a class="underline text-rose-500">Read the FAQ</a> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "HomeFAQ", } </script>
overflow-x-auto flex flex布局,并在溢出时开启横轴滚动条
whitespace-nowrap 类可以防止换行,让所有元素保持在一行上。
html - Div with horizontal scrolling only - Stack Overflow
<template> <div class="overflow-x-auto flex bg-white"> <template v-for="(value, index) in topNavigation" :key="index"> <a :href="value.href"> <div class=" p-3 font-bold text-sm text-stone-800 hover:text-rose-500 whitespace-nowrap " > {{ value.text }} </div> </a> </template> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { PropType } from "vue"; interface TopNavigation { text: string; href: string; } export default { name: "topNavigation", props: { topNavigation: { type: Array as PropType<TopNavigation[]>, required: true, }, }, }; </script>
嵌入YOUTUBE视频可参考 youtubeembedcode.com
<div class="w-full"> <img :src="currentImg[0]" class="w-1/2 inline-block" /> <img :src="currentImg[1]" class="w-1/2 inline-block" /> </div>
用于生成两张轮播图,每四秒切换一次,具体方法如下。注意 currentImg: function (): string[] {
methods: { startSlide: function (): void { this.timer = setInterval(this.next, 4000); }, next: function (): void { this.currentIndex += 1; }, }, computed: { currentImg: function (): string[] { let index = Math.abs(this.currentIndex) % this.gameInfo.images.length; let index2 = (index + 1) % this.gameInfo.images.length; return [this.gameInfo.images[index], this.gameInfo.images[index2]]; }, },
考虑 img 标签的 :src 只能接收 string ,我们假设所有 require 方法获取的图片均为 string 类型。定义prop类型
import { PropType } from "vue"; interface GameInfo { youtube: string; title: string; desc: string; price: number; platforms: string[]; images: string[]; }
<template> <div class="bg-auto p-1 text-white" :style=" 'background-image:url(' + require('@/assets/diffuse/diffuse.jpg') + ')' " > <div class="h-52 m-2"> <iframe class="h-full w-full" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" type="text/html" :src="gameInfo.youtube" ></iframe> </div> <div class="ml-2 font-bold text-xl">{{ gameInfo.title }}</div> <div class="ml-2 text-sm">{{ gameInfo.desc }}.</div> <div class="m-2"> <div class="w-full"> <img :src="currentImg[0]" class="w-1/2 inline-block" /> <img :src="currentImg[1]" class="w-1/2 inline-block" /> </div> </div> <div class="h-8 m-2"> <div class=" inline-block text-black bg-white rounded-md text-xs px-1 py-0.5 font-bold " > ${{ gameInfo.price }} </div> <template v-for="(value, index) in gameInfo.platforms" :key="index"> <component :is="value" class="inline-block ml-2"></component> </template> </div> <div class="h-10 m-2 w-44"> <div class=" h-full text-lg font-bold py-1 px-3 border-2 border-white rounded-sm " > <span class="inline-block">Get the game</span> <b-icon-arrow-right class="inline-block ml-1 text-lg" ></b-icon-arrow-right> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { PropType } from "vue"; interface GameInfo { youtube: string; title: string; desc: string; price: number; platforms: string[]; images: string[]; } export default { name: "GameInfo", props: { gameInfo: { type: Object as PropType<GameInfo>, required: true, }, }, data() { return { timer: null as unknown, currentIndex: 0, }; }, mounted() { this.startSlide(); }, methods: { startSlide: function (): void { this.timer = setInterval(this.next, 4000); }, next: function (): void { this.currentIndex += 1; }, }, computed: { currentImg: function (): string[] { let index = Math.abs(this.currentIndex) % this.gameInfo.images.length; let index2 = (index + 1) % this.gameInfo.images.length; return [this.gameInfo.images[index], this.gameInfo.images[index2]]; }, }, }; </script>
<template> <div class="m-2 mt-4"> <div class="font-bold">From the blog</div> <div class="overflow-x-auto flex mt-2"> <template v-for="(value, index) in gameBlog" :key="index"> <div class="w-48 flex-shrink-0 mr-2"> <img class="h-24 w-full" :src="value.img" /> <div class="text-xs font-bold mt-1 text-stone-800 whitespace-normal"> {{ value.title }} </div> <div class="h-12 text-xs overflow-clip mt-1 text-stone-500"> {{ value.text }} </div> </div> </template> </div> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { PropType } from "vue"; interface GameBlog { title: string; text: string; img: string; } export default { name: "GameBlog", props: { gameBlog: { type: Array as PropType<GameBlog[]>, required: true, }, }, }; </script>
<template> <div class="m-2 mt-4"> <div class="font-bold inline-block">Platform & Sale</div> <div class="flex mt-2 flex-wrap"> <a :href="value.href" v-for="(value, index) in platformNavigation" :key="index" class="w-1/5 flex-shrink-0 hover:text-rose-500" > <div> <img :src="value.img" class="w-2/5 mx-auto mt-1" /> <div class="text-center m-1.5 text-xs">{{ value.title }}</div> </div> </a> </div> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { PropType } from "vue"; interface platformNavigation { title: string; href: string; img: string; } export default { name: "PlatformNavigation", props: { platformNavigation: { type: Array as PropType<platformNavigation[]>, required: true, }, }, data() { return {}; }, }; </script>
interface Game { title: string; text: string; img: string; price: number; web?: boolean; tags?: string[]; } interface GameList { title: string; button: { title: string; href: string; }; games: Game[]; }
<div class="text-xs font-normal mt-1" v-if="value.tags"> <template v-for="(tag, index) in value.tags" :key="index"> <a class="text-rose-500" href="">#{{ tag }}</a> <template v-if="index != value.tags.length - 1">,</template> </template> </div>
<template> <div class="m-2 mt-4"> <div> <div class="font-bold inline-block">{{ gameList.title }}</div> <div v-if="gameList.button" class="float-right"> <div class=" border border-rose-400 text-sm font-bold text-rose-500 rounded-sm px-4 py-1 active:bg-rose-400 active:text-white " > {{ gameList.button.title }} <b-icon-arrow-right class="inline-block text-lg align-text-top" ></b-icon-arrow-right> </div> </div> <div class="w-full mt-4 flex flex-wrap justify-between"> <template v-for="(value, index) in gameList.games" :key="index"> <div class="w-44 inline-block align-top"> <img class="h-28 w-full" :src="value.img" /> <div class="text-xs font-bold mt-1 text-stone-800 w-3/4 inline-block" > {{ value.title }} </div> <div class=" inline-block w-1/4 align-top text-xs bg-stone-200 rounded-sm py-0.5 mt-1 text-center font-bold " :class="{ 'bg-stone-500': value.price != 0 }" > <span v-if="value.web">WEB</span> <span v-else-if="value.price == 0">FREE</span> <span v-else-if="value.price != 0" class="font-normal text-white" >${{ value.price }}</span > </div> <div class="text-xs font-normal mt-1" v-if="value.tags"> <template v-for="(tag, index) in value.tags" :key="index"> <a class="text-rose-500" href="">#{{ tag }}</a> <template v-if="index != value.tags.length - 1">,</template> </template> </div> <div class="text-xs font-normal text-stone-500 mt-1"> {{ value.text }} </div> <div class="my-1"></div> </div> </template> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import { PropType } from "vue"; interface Game { title: string; text: string; img: string; price: number; web?: boolean; tags?: string[]; } interface GameList { title: string; button: { title: string; href: string; }; games: Game[]; } export default { name: "GameList", props: { gameList: { type: Object as PropType<GameList>, required: true, }, }, }; </script>
<template> <div class="mx-2 my-4"> <div class="text-center font-bold text-sm"> Don't see anything you like? </div> <div class=" w-11/12 h-10 pt-2.5 text-center m-auto mt-4 border border-rose-500 font-bold text-sm text-rose-500 " > View all Games <b-icon-arrow-right class="inline-block text-lg align-text-top" ></b-icon-arrow-right> </div> <div class=" w-11/12 h-10 pt-2.5 text-center m-auto mt-4 border border-rose-500 font-bold text-sm text-rose-500 " > View something random <b-icon-arrow-left-right class="inline-block text-lg align-text-top" ></b-icon-arrow-left-right> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "HomeFooter", props: { } } </script>
ERROR Error: The project seems to require yarn but it's not installed.
明明 yarn serve 成功了,并显示如下内容,但连接网页还是转圈圈。尝试重启电脑后重新 yarn serve
App running at: - Local: http://localhost:8080/
ERROR Error: The project seems to require yarn but it's not installed.
解决方法:删除当前目录下的 yarn.lock 文件,命令行输入 npm install -g yarn
Type assertion expressions can only be used in TypeScript files.Vetur(8016)
解决方法:修改 <script> 为 <script lang="ts">
Bootstrap Icons · Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap (getbootstrap.com)
Working with props declaration in Vue 3 + Typescript - DEV Community ????
单组件的编写 | Vue3 入门指南与实战案例 (chengpeiquan.com)
vue3中的组件定义中defineComponent作用? - #2 由 cuidong - 中文 - Vue Forum (vuejs.org)
使用 CSS 实现垂直居中的8种方法_wincheshe的博客-CSDN博客_css垂直居中
前端 - vue如何动态加载本地图片_个人文章 - SegmentFault 思否