Vue中的Class Component使用指南

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Vue中的Class Component使用指南

原文地址:Vue Class Component


使用@Component注解,将类转化为 Vue 的组件,以下是一个示例

import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  // HelloWorld class will be a Vue component @Component export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {} 



<template>   <div>{{ message }}</div> </template>  <script> import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  @Component export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {   // Declared as component data   message = 'Hello World!' } </script> 

上面的组件,将message渲染到div元素种,作为组件的 data


import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  @Component export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {   // `message` will not be reactive value   message = undefined } 

为了避免这种情况,可以使用 null 对值进行初始化,或者使用 data()构造钩子函数,如下:

import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  @Component export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {   // `message` will be reactive with `null` value   message = null    // See Hooks section for details about `data` hook inside class.   data() {     return {       // `hello` will be reactive as it is declared via `data` hook.       hello: undefined     }   } } 



<template>   <button v-on:click="hello">Click</button> </template>  <script> import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  @Component export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {   // Declared as component method   hello() {     console.log('Hello World!')   } } </script> 

Computed Properties(计算属性)


<template>   <input v-model="name"> </template>  <script> import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  @Component export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {   firstName = 'John'   lastName = 'Doe'    // Declared as computed property getter   get name() {     return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName   }    // Declared as computed property setter   set name(value) {     const splitted = value.split(' ')     this.firstName = splitted[0]     this.lastName = splitted[1] || ''   } } </script> 




import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  @Component export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {   // Declare mounted lifecycle hook   mounted() {     console.log('mounted')   }    // Declare render function   render() {     return <div>Hello World!</div>   } } 

Other Options

对于其他所有选项,则需要将其写到注解 @Component中。

<template>   <OtherComponent /> </template>  <script> import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component' import OtherComponent from './OtherComponent.vue'  @Component({   // Specify `components` option.   // See Vue.js docs for all available options:   //   components: {     OtherComponent   } }) export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {   firstName = 'John'   lastName = 'Doe'    // Declared as computed property getter   get name() {     return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName   }    // Declared as computed property setter   set name(value) {     const splitted = value.split(' ')     this.firstName = splitted[0]     this.lastName = splitted[1] || ''   }    // Declare mounted lifecycle hook   mounted() {     console.log('mounted')   }    // Declare render function   render() {     return <div>Hello World!</div>   } } </script> 

如果您使用一些Vue插件(如Vue Router),你可能希望类组件解析它们提供的钩子。在这种情况下,可以只用Component.registerHooks来注册这些额外的钩子:

  • class-component-hooks.js 是一个单独的文件,需要新建,然后倒入到 main.ts中,或者直接在 main.ts中进行注册。
// class-component-hooks.js import Component from 'vue-class-component'  // Register the router hooks with their names Component.registerHooks([   'beforeRouteEnter',   'beforeRouteLeave',   'beforeRouteUpdate' ]) 
  • main.ts
// main.js  // Make sure to register before importing any components import './class-component-hooks'  import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App'  new Vue({   el: '#app',   render: h => h(App) }) 


import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  @Component export default class HelloWorld extends Vue {   // The class component now treats beforeRouteEnter,   // beforeRouteUpdate and beforeRouteLeave as Vue Router hooks   beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {     console.log('beforeRouteEnter')     next()   }    beforeRouteUpdate(to, from, next) {     console.log('beforeRouteUpdate')     next()   }    beforeRouteLeave(to, from, next) {     console.log('beforeRouteLeave')     next()   } } 



// main.js  // Make sure to register before importing any components import './class-component-hooks'  import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App'  new Vue({   el: '#app',   render: h => h(App) }) 

Custom Decorators(自定义装饰器)


Vue-class-component 提供了 createDecorator帮助器 来创建自定义装饰器。


  • options:一个Vue组件Options 对象,此对象的改变将会直接影响到相应的组件。
  • key:装饰器提供的属性或方法的键值。
  • parameterIndex:参数索引,如果自定义装饰器被用来装饰参数,则parameterIndex 用来表示参数的索引。



// decorators.js import { createDecorator } from 'vue-class-component'  // Declare Log decorator. export const Log = createDecorator((options, key) => {   // Keep the original method for later.   const originalMethod = options.methods[key]    // Wrap the method with the logging logic.   options.methods[key] = function wrapperMethod(...args) {     // Print a log.     console.log(`Invoked: ${key}(`, ...args, ')')      // Invoke the original method.     originalMethod.apply(this, args)   } }) 


import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component' import { Log } from './decorators'  @Component class MyComp extends Vue {   // It prints a log when `hello` method is invoked.   @Log   hello(value) {     // ...   } } 

hello()执行时,参数为 42 时,其打印结果为:

Invoked: hello( 42 ) 



// super.js import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  // Define a super class component @Component export default class Super extends Vue {   superValue = 'Hello' } 


import Super from './super' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  // Extending the Super class component @Component export default class HelloWorld extends Super {   created() {     console.log(this.superValue) // -> Hello   } } 



vue-class-component 提供mixins帮助器,使其支持以类的风格使用 mixins.


以下是一个声明 HelloWorld Mixins的示例:

// mixins.js import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  // You can declare mixins as the same style as components. @Component export class Hello extends Vue {   hello = 'Hello' }  @Component export class World extends Vue {   world = 'World' } 


import Component, { mixins } from 'vue-class-component' import { Hello, World } from './mixins'  // Use `mixins` helper function instead of `Vue`. // `mixins` can receive any number of arguments. @Component export class HelloWorld extends mixins(Hello, World) {   created () {     console.log(this.hello + ' ' + + '!') // -> Hello World!   } } 


Caveats of Class Component(类组件的注意事项)

属性初始化时的 this 值的问题

如果你用箭头函数的形式,定义一个类属性(方法),当你在箭头函数中调用 this 时,这将不起作用。这是因为,在初始化类属性时,this只是Vue实例的代理对象。

import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  @Component export default class MyComp extends Vue {   foo = 123    // DO NOT do this   bar = () => {     // Does not update the expected property.     // `this` value is not a Vue instance in fact. = 456   } } 


import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  @Component export default class MyComp extends Vue {   foo = 123    // DO this   bar() {     // Correctly update the expected property. = 456   } } 


由于原始的构造函数已经被使用来收集初始组件的 data数据。因此,建议不要自行使用构造函数。

import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  @Component export default class Posts extends Vue {   posts = []    // DO NOT do this   constructor() {     fetch('/posts.json')       .then(res => res.json())       .then(posts => {         this.posts = posts       })   } } 


建议使用组件声明周期函数,如 creatd() 而非构造函数(constructor)。


属性定义(Props Definition)

Vue-class-component 没有提供属性定义的专用 Api,但是,你可以使用 canonical Vue.extend API 来完成:

<template>   <div>{{ message }}</div> </template>  <script lang="ts"> import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  // Define the props by using Vue's canonical way. const GreetingProps = Vue.extend({   props: {     name: String   } })  // Use defined props by extending GreetingProps. @Component export default class Greeting extends GreetingProps {   get message(): string {     // will be typed     return 'Hello, ' +   } } </script> 


如果你同时还需要扩展 超类组件 或者 mixins 之类的,可以使用 mixins 帮助器 将定义的属性和 超类组价,mixins 等结合起来:

<template>   <div>{{ message }}</div> </template>  <script lang="ts"> import Vue from 'vue' import Component, { mixins } from 'vue-class-component' import Super from './super'  // Define the props by using Vue's canonical way. const GreetingProps = Vue.extend({   props: {     name: String   } })  // Use `mixins` helper to combine defined props and a mixin. @Component export default class Greeting extends mixins(GreetingProps, Super) {   get message(): string {     // will be typed     return 'Hello, ' +   } } </script> 

属性类型声明(Property Type Declaration)

有时候,你不得不在类组件之外定义属性和方法。例如,Vue的官方状态管理库 Vuex 提供了 MapGetter 和 mapActions帮助器,用于将 store 映射到组件属性和方法上。这些帮助器,需要在 组件选项对象中使用。即使在这种情况下,你也可以将组件选项传递给@component decorator的参数。



import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component' import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex'  // Interface of post import { Post } from './post'  @Component({   computed: mapGetters([     'posts'   ]),    methods: mapActions([     'fetchPosts'   ]) }) export default class Posts extends Vue {   // Declare mapped getters and actions on type level.   // You may need to add `!` after the property name   // to avoid compilation error (definite assignment assertion).    // Type the mapped posts getter.   posts!: Post[]    // Type the mapped fetchPosts action.   fetchPosts!: () => Promise<void>    mounted() {     // Use the mapped getter and action.     this.fetchPosts().then(() => {       console.log(this.posts)     })   } } 

(refs 类型扩展(`)refs` Type Extension)


可以通过重写类组件中的$refs type来指定特定的ref类型:

<template>   <input ref="input"> </template>  <script lang="ts"> import Vue from 'vue' import Component from 'vue-class-component'  @Component export default class InputFocus extends Vue {   // annotate refs type.   // The symbol `!` (definite assignment assertion)   // is needed to get rid of compilation error.   $refs!: {     input: HTMLInputElement   }    mounted() {     // Use `input` ref without type cast.     this.$refs.input.focus()   } } </script> 



钩子自动完成(Hooks Auto-complete)

Vue-class-component 提供了内置的钩子类型,在 TypeScript 中,它可以自动完成类组件声明中 data()render(),及其他生命周期函数的类型推导,要启用它,您需要导入vue-class-component/hooks 中的钩子类型。

// main.ts import 'vue-class-component/hooks' // import hooks type to enable auto-complete import Vue from 'vue' import App from './App.vue'  new Vue({   render: h => h(App) }).$mount('#app') 


import Vue from 'vue' import { Route, RawLocation } from 'vue-router'  declare module 'vue/types/vue' {   // Augment component instance type   interface Vue {     beforeRouteEnter?(       to: Route,       from: Route,       next: (to?: RawLocation | false | ((vm: Vue) => void)) => void     ): void      beforeRouteLeave?(       to: Route,       from: Route,       next: (to?: RawLocation | false | ((vm: Vue) => void)) => void     ): void      beforeRouteUpdate?(       to: Route,       from: Route,       next: (to?: RawLocation | false | ((vm: Vue) => void)) => void     ): void   } } 

在Decorator中注释组件类型(Annotate Component Type in Decorator)

在某些情况下,你希望在@component decorator参数中的函数上使用组件类型。例如,需要在 watch handler 中访问组件方法:

@Component({   watch: {     postId(id: string) {       // To fetch post data when the id is changed.       this.fetchPost(id) // -> Property 'fetchPost' does not exist on type 'Vue'.     }   } }) class Post extends Vue {   postId: string    fetchPost(postId: string): Promise<void> {     // ...   } } 

以上代码产生了一个类型错误,该错误指出,属性 fetchPostwatch handler 中不存在,之所以会发生这种情况,是因为@Component decorator参数中的this类型是Vue基类型。


// Annotate the decorator with the component type 'Post' so that `this` type in // the decorator argument becomes 'Post'. @Component<Post>({   watch: {     postId(id: string) {       this.fetchPost(id) // -> No errors     }   } }) class Post extends Vue {   postId: string    fetchPost(postId: string): Promise<void> {     // ...   } }