- A+
Lua和C/C++的数据交互通过栈进行,操作数据时,首先将数据拷贝到"栈"上,然后获取数据,栈中的每个数据通过索引值进行定位,索引值为正时表示相对于栈底的偏移索引,索引值为负时表示相对于栈顶的偏移索引,索引值以1或-1为起始值,因此栈顶索引值永远为-1, 栈底索引值永远为1 。 “栈"相当于数据在Lua和C/C++之间的中转地。每种数据都有相应的存取接口。
而C#可以通过P/Invoke方式调用Lua的dll,通过这个dll执行Lua的C API。换言之C#可以借助C/C++来与Lua进行数据通信。在xLua的LuaDLL.cs文件中可以找到许多DllImport修饰的数据入栈与获取的接口。
// LuaDLL.cs [DllImport(LUADLL,CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern void lua_pushnumber(IntPtr L, double number); [DllImport(LUADLL,CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern void lua_pushboolean(IntPtr L, bool value); [DllImport(LUADLL, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern void xlua_pushinteger(IntPtr L, int value); [DllImport(LUADLL, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern double lua_tonumber(IntPtr L, int index); [DllImport(LUADLL, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern int xlua_tointeger(IntPtr L, int index); [DllImport(LUADLL, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern uint xlua_touint(IntPtr L, int index); [DllImport(LUADLL,CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] public static extern bool lua_toboolean(IntPtr L, int index);
传递Lua table到C#
以TestXLua类为例来看Lua table是如何被传递的,TestXLua有一个LuaTable类型的静态变量,LuaTable是C#这边定义的一个类,封装了一些对Lua table的操作
// 注意,这里添加的LuaCallCSharp特性只是为了使xLua为其生成代码,不添加并不影响功能 [LuaCallCSharp] public class TestXLua { public static LuaTable tab; }
在点击Generate Code之后,部分生成代码如下所示。为tab变量生成了对应的set和get包裹方法
// TestXLuaWrap.cs [MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute(typeof(LuaCSFunction))] static int _g_get_tab(RealStatePtr L) { try { ObjectTranslator translator = ObjectTranslatorPool.Instance.Find(L); translator.Push(L, TestXLua.tab); } catch(System.Exception gen_e) { return LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "c# exception:" + gen_e); } return 1; } [MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute(typeof(LuaCSFunction))] static int _s_set_tab(RealStatePtr L) { try { ObjectTranslator translator = ObjectTranslatorPool.Instance.Find(L); TestXLua.tab = (XLua.LuaTable)translator.GetObject(L, 1, typeof(XLua.LuaTable)); } catch(System.Exception gen_e) { return LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "c# exception:" + gen_e); } return 0; }
为tab静态变量赋值一个Lua table,table中包含一个 num = 1 键值对
-- Lua测试代码 local t = { num = 1 } CS.TestXLua.tab = t
上述代码在赋值时,最终会调用到_s_set_tab包裹方法(具体原理可以查看这里),Lua这边调用_s_set_tab前,会先将参数table t压入到栈中,因此_s_set_tab内部需要通过translator.GetObject拿到这个table,并将其赋值给tab静态变量
// ObjectTranslator.cs public object GetObject(RealStatePtr L, int index, Type type) { int udata = LuaAPI.xlua_tocsobj_safe(L, index); if (udata != -1) { // 对C#对象的处理 object obj = objects.Get(udata); RawObject rawObject = obj as RawObject; return rawObject == null ? obj : rawObject.Target; } else { if (LuaAPI.lua_type(L, index) == LuaTypes.LUA_TUSERDATA) { GetCSObject get; int type_id = LuaAPI.xlua_gettypeid(L, index); if (type_id != -1 && type_id == decimal_type_id) { decimal d; Get(L, index, out d); return d; } Type type_of_struct; if (type_id != -1 && typeMap.TryGetValue(type_id, out type_of_struct) && type.IsAssignableFrom(type_of_struct) && custom_get_funcs.TryGetValue(type, out get)) { return get(L, index); } } return (objectCasters.GetCaster(type)(L, index, null)); } }
// ObjectTranslator.cs public ObjectCast GetCaster(Type type) { if (type.IsByRef) type = type.GetElementType(); // 如果是按引用传递的,则使用引用的对象的type Type underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type); if (underlyingType != null) { return genNullableCaster(GetCaster(underlyingType)); } ObjectCast oc; if (!castersMap.TryGetValue(type, out oc)) { oc = genCaster(type); castersMap.Add(type, oc); } return oc; }
// ObjectCasters.cs public ObjectCasters(ObjectTranslator translator) { this.translator = translator; castersMap[typeof(char)] = charCaster; castersMap[typeof(sbyte)] = sbyteCaster; castersMap[typeof(byte)] = byteCaster; castersMap[typeof(short)] = shortCaster; castersMap[typeof(ushort)] = ushortCaster; castersMap[typeof(int)] = intCaster; castersMap[typeof(uint)] = uintCaster; castersMap[typeof(long)] = longCaster; castersMap[typeof(ulong)] = ulongCaster; castersMap[typeof(double)] = getDouble; castersMap[typeof(float)] = floatCaster; castersMap[typeof(decimal)] = decimalCaster; castersMap[typeof(bool)] = getBoolean; castersMap[typeof(string)] = getString; castersMap[typeof(object)] = getObject; castersMap[typeof(byte[])] = getBytes; castersMap[typeof(IntPtr)] = getIntptr; //special type castersMap[typeof(LuaTable)] = getLuaTable; castersMap[typeof(LuaFunction)] = getLuaFunction; }
// ObjectCasters.cs private object getLuaTable(RealStatePtr L, int idx, object target) { if (LuaAPI.lua_type(L, idx) == LuaTypes.LUA_TUSERDATA) { object obj = translator.SafeGetCSObj(L, idx); return (obj != null && obj is LuaTable) ? obj : null; } if (!LuaAPI.lua_istable(L, idx)) { return null; } // 处理普通table类型 LuaAPI.lua_pushvalue(L, idx); return new LuaTable(LuaAPI.luaL_ref(L), translator.luaEnv); }
getLuaTable的主要逻辑是将idx处的table通过luaL_ref添加到Lua注册表中并得到指向该table的索引,然后创建LuaTable对象保存该索引。也就是说Lua table在C#这边对应的是LuaTable对象,它们之间通过一个索引关联起来,这个索引表示Lua table在Lua注册表中的引用,利用这个索引可以获取到Lua table。拿到Lua table后,就可以继续访问Lua table的内容了。
// CS测试代码 int num = TestXLua.tab.Get<int>("num");
对Lua table的访问操作都被封装在LuaTable的Get方法中
// LuaTable.cs public TValue Get<TValue>(string key) { TValue ret; Get(key, out ret); return ret; } // no boxing version get public void Get<TKey, TValue>(TKey key, out TValue value) { #if THREAD_SAFE || HOTFIX_ENABLE lock (luaEnv.luaEnvLock) { #endif var L = luaEnv.L; var translator = luaEnv.translator; int oldTop = LuaAPI.lua_gettop(L); LuaAPI.lua_getref(L, luaReference); // 通过luaReference获取到对应的table translator.PushByType(L, key); if (0 != LuaAPI.xlua_pgettable(L, -2)) // 查询 表[key] { string err = LuaAPI.lua_tostring(L, -1); LuaAPI.lua_settop(L, oldTop); throw new Exception("get field [" + key + "] error:" + err); } LuaTypes lua_type = LuaAPI.lua_type(L, -1); Type type_of_value = typeof(TValue); if (lua_type == LuaTypes.LUA_TNIL && type_of_value.IsValueType()) { throw new InvalidCastException("can not assign nil to " + type_of_value.GetFriendlyName()); } try { translator.Get(L, -1, out value); // 获取栈顶的元素,即 表[key] } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { LuaAPI.lua_settop(L, oldTop); } #if THREAD_SAFE || HOTFIX_ENABLE } #endif }
Get方法的主要逻辑是,先通过保存的索引luaReference获取到Lua table,然后通过xlua_pgettable将 表[key] 的值压栈,最后通过translator.Get获取到栈顶值对应的对象
// ObjectTranslator.cs public void Get<T>(RealStatePtr L, int index, out T v) { Func<RealStatePtr, int, T> get_func; if (tryGetGetFuncByType(typeof(T), out get_func)) { v = get_func(L, index); // 将给定索引处的值转换为{T}类型 } else { v = (T)GetObject(L, index, typeof(T)); } }
同样的,xLua也在tryGetGetFuncByType中为一些基本类型预定义好了对应的对象获取方法,采取泛型方式,这样可以避免拆箱和装箱。在本例中获取的值 num = 1 是一个int类型,通过转换器函数xlua_tointeger即可获得。xlua_tointeger就是对Lua原生API lua_tointeger的一个简单封装
bool tryGetGetFuncByType<T>(Type type, out T func) where T : class { if (get_func_with_type == null) { get_func_with_type = new Dictionary<Type, Delegate>() { {typeof(int), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, int>(LuaAPI.xlua_tointeger) }, {typeof(double), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, double>(LuaAPI.lua_tonumber) }, {typeof(string), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, string>(LuaAPI.lua_tostring) }, {typeof(byte[]), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, byte[]>(LuaAPI.lua_tobytes) }, {typeof(bool), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, bool>(LuaAPI.lua_toboolean) }, {typeof(long), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, long>(LuaAPI.lua_toint64) }, {typeof(ulong), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, ulong>(LuaAPI.lua_touint64) }, {typeof(IntPtr), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, IntPtr>(LuaAPI.lua_touserdata) }, {typeof(decimal), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, decimal>((L, idx) => { decimal ret; Get(L, idx, out ret); return ret; }) }, {typeof(byte), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, byte>((L, idx) => (byte)LuaAPI.xlua_tointeger(L, idx) ) }, {typeof(sbyte), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, sbyte>((L, idx) => (sbyte)LuaAPI.xlua_tointeger(L, idx) ) }, {typeof(char), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, char>((L, idx) => (char)LuaAPI.xlua_tointeger(L, idx) ) }, {typeof(short), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, short>((L, idx) => (short)LuaAPI.xlua_tointeger(L, idx) ) }, {typeof(ushort), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, ushort>((L, idx) => (ushort)LuaAPI.xlua_tointeger(L, idx) ) }, {typeof(uint), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, uint>(LuaAPI.xlua_touint) }, {typeof(float), new Func<RealStatePtr, int, float>((L, idx) => (float)LuaAPI.lua_tonumber(L, idx) ) }, }; }
传递Lua function到C#
// 注意,这里添加的LuaCallCSharp特性只是为了使xLua为其生成代码,不添加并不影响功能 [LuaCallCSharp] public class TestXLua { [CSharpCallLua] public delegate int Func(string s, bool b, float f); public static Func func; }
点击Generate Code后,生成的部分TestXLuaWrap代码如下所示。为func变量生成了对应的set和get包裹方法
// TestXLuaWrap.cs [MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute(typeof(LuaCSFunction))] static int _g_get_func(RealStatePtr L) { try { ObjectTranslator translator = ObjectTranslatorPool.Instance.Find(L); translator.Push(L, TestXLua.func); } catch(System.Exception gen_e) { return LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "c# exception:" + gen_e); } return 1; } [MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute(typeof(LuaCSFunction))] static int _s_set_func(RealStatePtr L) { try { ObjectTranslator translator = ObjectTranslatorPool.Instance.Find(L); TestXLua.func = translator.GetDelegate<TestXLua.Func>(L, 1); } catch(System.Exception gen_e) { return LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "c# exception:" + gen_e); } return 0; }
为func静态变量赋值一个Lua function
-- Lua测试代码 CS.TestXLua.func = function(s, b, i) end
// ObjectTranslator.cs public T GetDelegate<T>(RealStatePtr L, int index) where T :class { if (LuaAPI.lua_isfunction(L, index)) { return CreateDelegateBridge(L, typeof(T), index) as T; } else if (LuaAPI.lua_type(L, index) == LuaTypes.LUA_TUSERDATA) { return (T)SafeGetCSObj(L, index); } else { return null; } }
对于Lua function类型会通过CreateDelegateBridge创建一个对应的委托并返回。CreateDelegateBridge内部会创建一个DelegateBridge对象来对应Lua function,原理和LuaTable类似,也是通过一个索引保持联系,利用这个索引可以获取到Lua function
// ObjectTranslator.cs Dictionary<int, WeakReference> delegate_bridges = new Dictionary<int, WeakReference>(); // 弱引用创建的DelegateBridge public object CreateDelegateBridge(RealStatePtr L, Type delegateType, int idx) { LuaAPI.lua_pushvalue(L, idx); LuaAPI.lua_rawget(L, LuaIndexes.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // 对缓存的处理 if (!LuaAPI.lua_isnil(L, -1)) { int referenced = LuaAPI.xlua_tointeger(L, -1); LuaAPI.lua_pop(L, 1); if (delegate_bridges[referenced].IsAlive) { if (delegateType == null) { return delegate_bridges[referenced].Target; } DelegateBridgeBase exist_bridge = delegate_bridges[referenced].Target as DelegateBridgeBase; Delegate exist_delegate; if (exist_bridge.TryGetDelegate(delegateType, out exist_delegate)) { return exist_delegate; } else { exist_delegate = getDelegate(exist_bridge, delegateType); exist_bridge.AddDelegate(delegateType, exist_delegate); return exist_delegate; } } } else { LuaAPI.lua_pop(L, 1); } LuaAPI.lua_pushvalue(L, idx); int reference = LuaAPI.luaL_ref(L); // 将idx处的元素添加到Lua注册表中 LuaAPI.lua_pushvalue(L, idx); LuaAPI.lua_pushnumber(L, reference); LuaAPI.lua_rawset(L, LuaIndexes.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // 注册表[idx值] = reference DelegateBridgeBase bridge; try { #if (UNITY_EDITOR || XLUA_GENERAL) && !NET_STANDARD_2_0 if (!DelegateBridge.Gen_Flag) { bridge = Activator.CreateInstance(delegate_birdge_type, new object[] { reference, luaEnv }) as DelegateBridgeBase; // 使用反射创建DelegateBridge对象 } else #endif { bridge = new DelegateBridge(reference, luaEnv); } } catch(Exception e) { LuaAPI.lua_pushvalue(L, idx); LuaAPI.lua_pushnil(L); LuaAPI.lua_rawset(L, LuaIndexes.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); LuaAPI.lua_pushnil(L); LuaAPI.xlua_rawseti(L, LuaIndexes.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, reference); throw e; } if (delegateType == null) { delegate_bridges[reference] = new WeakReference(bridge); return bridge; } try { var ret = getDelegate(bridge, delegateType); // 通过bridge获取到指定类型的委托 bridge.AddDelegate(delegateType, ret); delegate_bridges[reference] = new WeakReference(bridge); return ret; } catch(Exception e) { bridge.Dispose(); throw e; } }
在取得DelegateBridge对象后,还需要通过getDelegate方法,获取delegateType类型的委托,即C#这边指定要接收Lua function时声明的委托类型。在本例中是typeof(TestXLua.Func)
Delegate getDelegate(DelegateBridgeBase bridge, Type delegateType) { // ... Func<DelegateBridgeBase, Delegate> delegateCreator; if (!delegateCreatorCache.TryGetValue(delegateType, out delegateCreator)) { // get by parameters MethodInfo delegateMethod = delegateType.GetMethod("Invoke"); // 生成代码为配置了 CSharpCallLua的委托 生成以__Gen_Delegate_Imp开头的方法 并添加到 DelegateBridge 类中 var methods = bridge.GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly).Where(m => !m.IsGenericMethodDefinition && (m.Name.StartsWith("__Gen_Delegate_Imp") || m.Name == "Action")).ToArray(); // 查找bridge中与delegateMethod匹配的方法,这个方法必须是以__Gen_Delegate_Imp或Action开头 for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { if (!methods[i].IsConstructor && Utils.IsParamsMatch(delegateMethod, methods[i])) { var foundMethod = methods[i]; delegateCreator = (o) => #if !UNITY_WSA || UNITY_EDITOR Delegate.CreateDelegate(delegateType, o, foundMethod); // 创建表示foundMethod的delegateType类型的委托 #else foundMethod.CreateDelegate(delegateType, o); #endif break; } } if (delegateCreator == null) { delegateCreator = getCreatorUsingGeneric(bridge, delegateType, delegateMethod); } delegateCreatorCache.Add(delegateType, delegateCreator); } ret = delegateCreator(bridge); // 创建委托 if (ret != null) { return ret; } throw new InvalidCastException("This type must add to CSharpCallLua: " + delegateType.GetFriendlyName()); }
用于接收Lua function的委托必须添加CSharpCallLua特性也正是因为要为其生成以"__Gen_Delegate_Imp"开头的方法,如果不添加则会抛出异常
c# exception:System.InvalidCastException: This type must add to CSharpCallLua: TestXLua+Func
添加CSharpCallLua特性后,点击Generate Code,会为该委托生成如下代码。虽然代码生成在DelegatesGensBridge.cs文件中,但它通过partial声明为DelegateBridge类的一部分。生成的函数名均以"__Gen_Delegate_Imp"开头,且参数类型和个数与该委托一致
// DelegatesGensBridge.cs public partial class DelegateBridge : DelegateBridgeBase { // ... public int __Gen_Delegate_Imp1(string p0, bool p1, float p2) { #if THREAD_SAFE || HOTFIX_ENABLE lock (luaEnv.luaEnvLock) { #endif RealStatePtr L = luaEnv.rawL; int errFunc = LuaAPI.pcall_prepare(L, errorFuncRef, luaReference); LuaAPI.lua_pushstring(L, p0); // 压栈参数 LuaAPI.lua_pushboolean(L, p1); // 压栈参数 LuaAPI.lua_pushnumber(L, p2); // 压栈参数 PCall(L, 3, 1, errFunc); // Lua function调用 int __gen_ret = LuaAPI.xlua_tointeger(L, errFunc + 1); LuaAPI.lua_settop(L, errFunc - 1); return __gen_ret; #if THREAD_SAFE || HOTFIX_ENABLE } #endif } }
TestXLua.Func类型委托绑定的就是这个生成函数__Gen_Delegate_Imp1。之所以要使用生成函数,是因为需要生成函数来完成参数的压栈与Lua function调用
文章开头也已提到,C#可以借助C/C++来与Lua进行数据通信,所以C#在函数调用前,需要通过C API来压栈函数调用所需的参数,而这个逻辑就被封装在了以"__Gen_Delegate_Imp"开头的生成方法中。生成方法将参数压栈后,再通过PCall调用Lua function,PCall内部调用的就是Lua原生API lua_pcall
-- Lua测试代码 CS.TestXLua.func = function(s, b, i) end
当为TestXLua.func赋值Lua function时,会触发func变量的set包裹方法_s_set_func,_s_set_func内部会获取一个委托设置给func变量。这个委托绑定的是DelegateBridge对象的以"__Gen_Delegate_Imp"开头的生成方法,DelegateBridge对象同时保存着Lua function的索引
// CS测试代码 TestXLua.func("test", false, 3);
当调用TestXLua.func时,相当于调用以"__Gen_Delegate_Imp"开头的生成方法,这个生成方法负责参数压栈,并通过保存的索引获取到Lua function,然后使用lua_pcall完成Lua function的调用
为了保证Lua不会自动回收对象,所有传递给C#的对象都会被Lua注册表引用。比如前面创建LuaTable或DelegateBridge时 都有调用LuaAPI.luaL_ref将对象添加到注册表中
// LuaBase.cs public virtual void Dispose(bool disposeManagedResources) { if (!disposed) { if (luaReference != 0) { #if THREAD_SAFE || HOTFIX_ENABLE lock (luaEnv.luaEnvLock) { #endif bool is_delegate = this is DelegateBridgeBase; if (disposeManagedResources) { luaEnv.translator.ReleaseLuaBase(luaEnv.L, luaReference, is_delegate); // 释放Lua对象 } else //will dispse by LuaEnv.GC { luaEnv.equeueGCAction(new LuaEnv.GCAction { Reference = luaReference, IsDelegate = is_delegate }); // 加入GC队列 } #if THREAD_SAFE || HOTFIX_ENABLE } #endif } disposed = true; } }
// ObjectTranslator.cs public void ReleaseLuaBase(RealStatePtr L, int reference, bool is_delegate) { if(is_delegate) { LuaAPI.xlua_rawgeti(L, LuaIndexes.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, reference); if (LuaAPI.lua_isnil(L, -1)) { LuaAPI.lua_pop(L, 1); } else { LuaAPI.lua_pushvalue(L, -1); LuaAPI.lua_rawget(L, LuaIndexes.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); if (LuaAPI.lua_type(L, -1) == LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER && LuaAPI.xlua_tointeger(L, -1) == reference) // { //UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("release delegate ref = " + luaReference); LuaAPI.lua_pop(L, 1);// pop LUA_REGISTRYINDEX[func] LuaAPI.lua_pushnil(L); LuaAPI.lua_rawset(L, LuaIndexes.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); // LUA_REGISTRYINDEX[func] = nil } else //another Delegate ref the function before the GC tick { LuaAPI.lua_pop(L, 2); // pop LUA_REGISTRYINDEX[func] & func } } LuaAPI.lua_unref(L, reference); delegate_bridges.Remove(reference); } else { LuaAPI.lua_unref(L, reference); } }
ReleaseLuaBase的主要任务是将Lua对象从Lua注册表中移除,这样Lua GC时发现该对象不再被引用,就可以进行回收了
// LuaEnv.cs public void Tick() { #if THREAD_SAFE || HOTFIX_ENABLE lock (luaEnvLock) { #endif var _L = L; lock (refQueue) { while (refQueue.Count > 0) // 遍历GC队列 { GCAction gca = refQueue.Dequeue(); translator.ReleaseLuaBase(_L, gca.Reference, gca.IsDelegate); } } #if !XLUA_GENERAL last_check_point = translator.objects.Check(last_check_point, max_check_per_tick, object_valid_checker, translator.reverseMap); #endif #if THREAD_SAFE || HOTFIX_ENABLE } #endif }