
  • A+



热更新可以分为资源热更和代码热更两类,其中代码热更又包括Lua热更和C#热更。Lua作为一种轻量小巧的脚本语言,由Lua虚拟机解释执行。所以Lua热更通过简单的源代码文件替换即可完成。反观C#的整个编译执行过程是先通过编译器将C#编译成IL(Intermediate Language),再由CLR(Common Language Runtime)将IL编译成平台相关的二进制机器码进行执行。

在JIT(Just in time)模式下可以做到运行时将IL编译成机器码,此时如果C#利用反射动态加载程序集,则通过替换DLL文件即可完成C#热更。虽然Android是支持JIT的,但IOS并不支持,IOS仅支持AOT(Ahead of time)模式。且Mono在IOS平台上使用的是Full AOT模式,会在程序运行前就将IL编译成机器码。如果使用反射执行DLL文件,就会触发Mono的JIT编译器,而Full AOT模式又不允许JIT,就会报以下错误

ExecutionEngineException: Attempting to JIT compile method '...' while running with --aot-only. 




public class TestXLua {     public int Add(int a, int b)     {         return a - b;     } } 


public class TestXLua {     static Func<object, int, int, int> hotfix_Add = null;     int Add(int a, int b)     {         if (hotfix_Add != null) return hotfix_Add(this, a, b);         return a - b;     } } 



1、打开该特性  添加HOTFIX_ENABLE宏,(在Unity3D的File->Build Setting->Scripting Define Symbols下添加)。编辑器、各手机平台这个宏要分别设置!如果是自动化打包,要注意在代码里头用API设置的宏是不生效的,需要在编辑器设置。  2、执行XLua/Generate Code菜单。  3、注入,构建手机包这个步骤会在构建时自动进行,编辑器下开发补丁需要手动执行"XLua/Hotfix Inject In Editor"菜单。打印“hotfix inject finish!”或者“had injected!”才算成功,否则会打印错误信息。  4、使用xlua.hotfix或util.hotfix_ex打补丁 




  1. 在编辑器中出现"XLua/Hotfix Inject In Editor"菜单,通过该菜单可以手动执行代码注入
  2. 利用HOTFIX_ENABLE进行了条件编译,定义了一些只有使用热更时才需要的方法。例如DelegateBridge.cs中的部分方法,这些方法会在针对泛型方法进行IL注入时用到
    // DelegateBridge.cs #if HOTFIX_ENABLE     private int _oldTop = 0;     private Stack<int> _stack = new Stack<int>();     public void InvokeSessionStart()     {         // ...     }     public void Invoke(int nRet)     {         // ...     }     public void InvokeSessionEnd()     {         // ...     }     // ... #endif 



// 测试用 TestXLua.cs [Hotfix] public class TestXLua {     public int Add(int a, int b)     {         return a - b;  // 这里的Add方法故意写成减法,后面通过热更新修复     } } 


// DelegatesGensBridge.cs public partial class DelegateBridge : DelegateBridgeBase {     // ...     public int __Gen_Delegate_Imp1(object p0, int p1, int p2)     { #if THREAD_SAFE || HOTFIX_ENABLE         lock (luaEnv.luaEnvLock)         { #endif             RealStatePtr L = luaEnv.rawL;             int errFunc = LuaAPI.pcall_prepare(L, errorFuncRef, luaReference);             ObjectTranslator translator = luaEnv.translator;             translator.PushAny(L, p0);             LuaAPI.xlua_pushinteger(L, p1);             LuaAPI.xlua_pushinteger(L, p2);                          PCall(L, 3, 1, errFunc);                                       int __gen_ret = LuaAPI.xlua_tointeger(L, errFunc + 1);             LuaAPI.lua_settop(L, errFunc - 1);             return  __gen_ret; #if THREAD_SAFE || HOTFIX_ENABLE         } #endif     }     // ... } 

为什么需要生成对应的匹配函数呢?这是因为xLua就是通过将该C#函数替换成Lua函数来实现热更的。也就是说,热更后就会出现C#调用Lua函数的情况,而C#想要调用Lua函数,就需要用到生成的匹配函数。具体流程是,调用传递给C#的Lua函数时,相当于调用以"__Gen_Delegate_Imp"开头的生成函数,这个生成函数负责参数压栈,并通过保存的索引获取到真正的Lua function,然后使用lua_pcall完成Lua function的调用。



点击"XLua/Hotfix Inject In Editor"菜单后会开始注入代码。将触发HotfixInject方法,内部再通过xLua提供的工具XLuaHotfixInject.exe来完成代码注入。应该是为了避免文件占用问题,所以直接提供了exe工具。同时IL代码注入需要用到Mono.Cecil库,这样也避免了每个项目都要额外集成这个库。

// Hotfix.cs [MenuItem("XLua/Hotfix Inject In Editor", false, 3)] public static void HotfixInject() {     HotfixInject("./Library/ScriptAssemblies"); } 


// Hotfix.cs public static void HotfixInject(string injectAssemblyPath, string xluaAssemblyPath, IEnumerable<string> searchDirectorys, string idMapFilePath, Dictionary<string, int> hotfixConfig) {     AssemblyDefinition injectAssembly = null;     AssemblyDefinition xluaAssembly = null;     // ...     injectAssembly = readAssembly(injectAssemblyPath);          // injected flag check     if (injectAssembly.MainModule.Types.Any(t => t.Name == "__XLUA_GEN_FLAG"))     {         Info(injectAssemblyPath + " had injected!");         return;     }     // 添加一个新的类型定义,以标记已注入     injectAssembly.MainModule.Types.Add(new TypeDefinition("__XLUA_GEN", "__XLUA_GEN_FLAG", ILRuntime.Mono.Cecil.TypeAttributes.Class,         injectAssembly.MainModule.TypeSystem.Object));      xluaAssembly = (injectAssemblyPath == xluaAssemblyPath || injectAssembly.MainModule.FullyQualifiedName == xluaAssemblyPath) ?          injectAssembly : readAssembly(xluaAssemblyPath);      Hotfix hotfix = new Hotfix();     hotfix.Init(injectAssembly, xluaAssembly, searchDirectorys, hotfixConfig);      //var hotfixDelegateAttributeType = assembly.MainModule.Types.Single(t => t.FullName == "XLua.HotfixDelegateAttribute");     var hotfixAttributeType = xluaAssembly.MainModule.Types.Single(t => t.FullName == "XLua.HotfixAttribute");     var toInject = (from module in injectAssembly.Modules from type in module.Types select type).ToList();  // injectAssembly中的各个类型     foreach (var type in toInject)     {         if (!hotfix.InjectType(hotfixAttributeType, type))         {             return;         }     }     Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(idMapFilePath));     hotfix.OutputIntKeyMapper(new FileStream(idMapFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write));     File.Copy(idMapFilePath, idMapFilePath + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"));     // 写入对程序集的修改     writeAssembly(injectAssembly, injectAssemblyPath);     Info(injectAssemblyPath + " inject finish!");     // ... } 


// Hotfix.cs public bool InjectType(TypeReference hotfixAttributeType, TypeDefinition type) {     foreach(var nestedTypes in type.NestedTypes)     {         if (!InjectType(hotfixAttributeType, nestedTypes))         {             return false;         }     }     if (type.Name.Contains("<") || type.IsInterface || type.Methods.Count == 0) // skip anonymous type and interface     {         return true;     }     CustomAttribute hotfixAttr = type.CustomAttributes.FirstOrDefault(ca => ca.AttributeType == hotfixAttributeType);  // 获取type上的HotfixAttribute     HotfixFlagInTool hotfixType;     // 仅对带有HotfixAttribute的类型或hotfixCfg中有配置的类型进行注入     if (hotfixAttr != null)     {         hotfixType = (HotfixFlagInTool)(int)hotfixAttr.ConstructorArguments[0].Value;  // 获取HotfixAttribute构造函数的第一个参数,HotfixFlag     }     else     {         if (!hotfixCfg.ContainsKey(type.FullName))         {             return true;         }         hotfixType = (HotfixFlagInTool)hotfixCfg[type.FullName];     }      // 通过HotfixFlag的不同设定过滤要注入的方法     bool ignoreProperty = hotfixType.HasFlag(HotfixFlagInTool.IgnoreProperty);     bool ignoreCompilerGenerated = hotfixType.HasFlag(HotfixFlagInTool.IgnoreCompilerGenerated);     bool ignoreNotPublic = hotfixType.HasFlag(HotfixFlagInTool.IgnoreNotPublic);     bool isInline = hotfixType.HasFlag(HotfixFlagInTool.Inline);     bool isIntKey = hotfixType.HasFlag(HotfixFlagInTool.IntKey);     bool noBaseProxy = hotfixType.HasFlag(HotfixFlagInTool.NoBaseProxy);     if (ignoreCompilerGenerated && type.CustomAttributes.Any(ca => ca.AttributeType.FullName == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute"))  // 忽略由编译器生成的类型     {         return true;     }     if (isIntKey && type.HasGenericParameters)     {         throw new InvalidOperationException(type.FullName + " is generic definition, can not be mark as IntKey!");     }     //isIntKey = !type.HasGenericParameters;      foreach (var method in type.Methods)     {         if (ignoreNotPublic && !method.IsPublic)         {             continue;         }         if (ignoreProperty && method.IsSpecialName && (method.Name.StartsWith("get_") || method.Name.StartsWith("set_")))  // 忽略属性         {             continue;         }         if (ignoreCompilerGenerated && method.CustomAttributes.Any(ca => ca.AttributeType.FullName == "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute"))         {             continue;         }         if (method.Name != ".cctor" && !method.IsAbstract && !method.IsPInvokeImpl && method.Body != null && !method.Name.Contains("<"))         {             //Debug.Log(method);             if ((isInline || method.HasGenericParameters || genericInOut(method, hotfixType))                  ? !injectGenericMethod(method, hotfixType) :                 !injectMethod(method, hotfixType))             {                 return false;             }         }     }     // ... } 


// Hotfix.cs bool injectMethod(MethodDefinition method, HotfixFlagInTool hotfixType) {     var type = method.DeclaringType;  // 方法所在类     bool isFinalize = (method.Name == "Finalize" && method.IsSpecialName);     MethodReference invoke = null;     int param_count = method.Parameters.Count + (method.IsStatic ? 0 : 1);     if (!findHotfixDelegate(method, out invoke, hotfixType))  // 找到与method匹配的生成方法,以__Gen_Delegate_Imp开头的     {         Error("can not find delegate for " + method.DeclaringType + "." + method.Name + "! try re-genertate code.");         return false;     }     if (invoke == null)     {         throw new Exception("unknow exception!");     } #if XLUA_GENERAL     invoke = injectAssembly.MainModule.ImportReference(invoke); #else     invoke = injectAssembly.MainModule.Import(invoke); #endif     FieldReference fieldReference = null;     VariableDefinition injection = null;     // IntKey是xLua的标志位,可以控制不生成静态字段,而是把所有注入点放到一个数组集中管理。这里可以先忽略,主要看 is not IntKey的逻辑     bool isIntKey = hotfixType.HasFlag(HotfixFlagInTool.IntKey) && !type.HasGenericParameters && isTheSameAssembly;       //isIntKey = !type.HasGenericParameters;     if (!isIntKey)     {         injection = new VariableDefinition(invoke.DeclaringType);  // 新创建一个XLua.DelegateBridge类型的变量         method.Body.Variables.Add(injection);          var luaDelegateName = getDelegateName(method);  // 获取将要添加的静态变量的名称,这个静态变量用于保存Lua补丁设置的方法         if (luaDelegateName == null)         {             Error("too many overload!");             return false;         }          FieldDefinition fieldDefinition = new FieldDefinition(luaDelegateName, ILRuntime.Mono.Cecil.FieldAttributes.Static | ILRuntime.Mono.Cecil.FieldAttributes.Private,             invoke.DeclaringType);  // 创建一个静态XLua.DelegateBridge变量,用于保存Lua补丁设置的方法         type.Fields.Add(fieldDefinition);  // 给type添加一个luaDelegateName静态字段,这个字段值在调用xlua.hotfix时会赋值         fieldReference = fieldDefinition.GetGeneric();     }      bool ignoreValueType = hotfixType.HasFlag(HotfixFlagInTool.ValueTypeBoxing);      var insertPoint = method.Body.Instructions[0];     // //获取IL处理器     var processor = method.Body.GetILProcessor();      if (method.IsConstructor)     {         insertPoint = findNextRet(method.Body.Instructions, insertPoint);  // 获取到下一个Ret指令     }      Dictionary<Instruction, Instruction> originToNewTarget = new Dictionary<Instruction, Instruction>();     HashSet<Instruction> noCheck = new HashSet<Instruction>();      // 真正的IL代码注入逻辑。通过Mono.Cecil库的API插入一些IL指令     while (insertPoint != null)     {         Instruction firstInstruction;         if (isIntKey)         {             // ...         }         else         {             firstInstruction = processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldsfld, fieldReference);  // 加载静态域fieldReference,即luaDelegateName字段             processor.InsertBefore(insertPoint, firstInstruction);             processor.InsertBefore(insertPoint, processor.Create(OpCodes.Stloc, injection));  // 存储本地变量,将injection变量的值设置为luaDelegateName字段的值             processor.InsertBefore(insertPoint, processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldloc, injection));  // 加载本地变量         }          // Brfalse表示栈上的值为 false/null/0 时发生跳转,如果injection的值为空,就调转到insertPoint,那通过InsertBefore插入的指令就都会被跳过了         var jmpInstruction = processor.Create(OpCodes.Brfalse, insertPoint);           processor.InsertBefore(insertPoint, jmpInstruction);          if (isIntKey)         {             // ...         }         else         {             processor.InsertBefore(insertPoint, processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldloc, injection));  // 再加载一次injection的值         }         // 加载参数         for (int i = 0; i < param_count; i++)         {             if (i < ldargs.Length)             {                 processor.InsertBefore(insertPoint, processor.Create(ldargs[i]));  // 加载第i个参数             }             else if (i < 256)             {                 processor.InsertBefore(insertPoint, processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldarg_S, (byte)i));             }             else             {                 processor.InsertBefore(insertPoint, processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldarg, (short)i));             }             if (i == 0 && !method.IsStatic && type.IsValueType)             {                 processor.InsertBefore(insertPoint, processor.Create(OpCodes.Ldobj, type));  // 加载对象             }             // ...         }          // 插入方法调用指令         processor.InsertBefore(insertPoint, processor.Create(OpCodes.Call, invoke));  // 调用injection处值(DelegateBridge对象)的方法invoke(__Gen_Delegate_Imp开头的方法)          if (!method.IsConstructor && !isFinalize)         {             processor.InsertBefore(insertPoint, processor.Create(OpCodes.Ret));  // 插入返回指令         }          if (!method.IsConstructor)         {             break;         }         else         {             originToNewTarget[insertPoint] = firstInstruction;             noCheck.Add(jmpInstruction);         }         insertPoint = findNextRet(method.Body.Instructions, insertPoint);     }     // ... } 




-- lua测试文件 xlua.hotfix(CS.TestXLua, "Add", function(self, a, b)     return a + b  -- 修复成正确的加法 end) 


-- LuaEnv.cs xlua.hotfix = function(cs, field, func)     if func == nil then func = false end     local tbl = (type(field) == 'table') and field or {[field] = func}     for k, v in pairs(tbl) do         local cflag = ''         if k == '.ctor' then             cflag = '_c'             k = 'ctor'         end         local f = type(v) == 'function' and v or nil         -- cflag .. '__Hotfix0_'..k 对应了前面C#代码中的 luaDelegateName         xlua.access(cs, cflag .. '__Hotfix0_'..k, f) -- at least one         pcall(function()             for i = 1, 99 do                 xlua.access(cs, cflag .. '__Hotfix'..i..'_'..k, f)             end         end)     end     xlua.private_accessible(cs) end 


// StaticLuaCallbacks.cs public static int XLuaAccess(RealStatePtr L) {     try     {         ObjectTranslator translator = ObjectTranslatorPool.Instance.Find(L);         Type type = getType(L, translator, 1);  // 获取第一个参数的类型         object obj = null;         if (type == null && LuaAPI.lua_type(L, 1) == LuaTypes.LUA_TUSERDATA)         {             obj = translator.SafeGetCSObj(L, 1);             if (obj == null)             {                 return LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "xlua.access, #1 parameter must a type/c# object/string");             }             type = obj.GetType();         }          if (type == null)         {             return LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "xlua.access, can not find c# type");         }          string fieldName = LuaAPI.lua_tostring(L, 2);          BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;          if (LuaAPI.lua_gettop(L) > 2) // set  设置字段值         {             // 设置字段(参数2)值为参数3             var field = type.GetField(fieldName, bindingFlags);             if (field != null)             {                 field.SetValue(obj, translator.GetObject(L, 3, field.FieldType));                 return 0;             }             var prop = type.GetProperty(fieldName, bindingFlags);             if (prop != null)             {                 prop.SetValue(obj, translator.GetObject(L, 3, prop.PropertyType), null);                 return 0;             }         }         else         {             // 获取字段(参数2)值             var field = type.GetField(fieldName, bindingFlags);             if (field != null)             {                 translator.PushAny(L, field.GetValue(obj));                 return 1;             }             var prop = type.GetProperty(fieldName, bindingFlags);             if (prop != null)             {                 translator.PushAny(L, prop.GetValue(obj, null));                 return 1;             }         }         return LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "xlua.access, no field " + fieldName);  // 没有找到fieldName字段,抛出异常     }     catch (Exception e)     {         return LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "c# exception in xlua.access: " + e);     } } 




先通过Generate Code为TestXLua.Add生成与其声明相同的匹配函数"__Gen_Delegate_Imp1",这个匹配函数是被生成在DelegateBridge类中的。有了这个匹配函数,Lua函数就可以被传递到C#中。


using System; using XLua;  // Token: 0x02000016 RID: 22 [Hotfix(HotfixFlag.Stateless)] public class TestXLua { 	// Token: 0x06000051 RID: 81 RVA: 0x00002CE0 File Offset: 0x00000EE0 	public int Add(int a, int b) 	{ 		DelegateBridge _Hotfix0_Add = TestXLua.__Hotfix0_Add; 		if (_Hotfix0_Add != null) 		{ 			return _Hotfix0_Add.__Gen_Delegate_Imp1(this, a, b); 		} 		return a - b; 	}  	// Token: 0x06000052 RID: 82 RVA: 0x00002D14 File Offset: 0x00000F14 	public TestXLua() 	{ 		DelegateBridge c__Hotfix0_ctor = TestXLua._c__Hotfix0_ctor; 		if (c__Hotfix0_ctor != null) 		{ 			c__Hotfix0_ctor.__Gen_Delegate_Imp2(this); 		} 	}  	// Token: 0x04000022 RID: 34 	private static DelegateBridge __Hotfix0_Add;  	// Token: 0x04000023 RID: 35 	private static DelegateBridge _c__Hotfix0_ctor; } 

