
  • 使用Ansible为集群初始化并配置免密已关闭评论
  • 14 次浏览
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  1. 每台关闭防火墙和selinux
  2. 删除安装操作系统时创建的默认用户user及其家目录
  3. 将集群的36台主机和ip信息添加到/etc/hosts文件
  4. 删除默认yum源配置文件,添加指定的repo文件
  5. 为集群36台主机配置ssh相互免密




--- - name: Initialize servers   hosts: all_servers   gather_facts: no   become: no    tasks:     - name: Disable firewall       service:         name: firewalld         state: stopped         enabled: no      - name: Disable SELinux       selinux:         state: disabled         policy: targeted     - name: Disable SELinux immediately       command: setenforce 0       ignore_errors: yes      - name: Ensure user is absent and home directory removed       user:         name: user         state: absent         remove: yes      - name: Remove default yum repos       file:         path: "{{ item }}"         state: absent       with_fileglob:         - /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo     - name: Copy http.repo to all servers       copy:         src: /root/http.repo         dest: /etc/yum.repos.d/http.repo         owner: root         group: root         mode: '0644'      - name: Add hostname into /etc/hosts       lineinfile:         path: /etc/hosts         line: "{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_host'] }} {{ item }}"         state: present         create: yes         regexp: "^{{ hostvars[item]['ansible_host'] }}\s+{{ item }}$"       with_items: "{{ groups['all_servers'] }}"      - name: Check /root/.ssh exists       file:         path: /root/.ssh         state: directory         mode: '0700'     - name: Check id_rsa exists       stat:         path: /root/.ssh/id_rsa       register: ssh_key     - name: Generate SSH keypair if not already present       openssh_keypair:         path: /root/.ssh/id_rsa         type: rsa         size: 2048         state: present         mode: '0600'       when: not ssh_key.stat.exists      - name: Gather SSH public keys from all servers       slurp:         src: /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub       register: public_key      - name: Set up authorized_keys for all servers       authorized_key:         user: root         key: "{{ hostvars[item]['public_key']['content'] | b64decode }}"         state: present       with_items: "{{ groups['all_servers'] }}" 


[all_servers] hpc_mgr_1 ansible_user=root ansible_host= ansible_connection=local hpc_mgr_2 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_1 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_2 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_3 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_4 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_5 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_6 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_7 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_8 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_9 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_10 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_11 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_12 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_13 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_14 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_15 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_16 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_17 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_18 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_19 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_20 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_21 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_22 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_23 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_24 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_25 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_26 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_27 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_28 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_29 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_30 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_31 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_node_32 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_fnode_1 ansible_user=root ansible_host= hpc_fnode_2 ansible_user=root ansible_host= 


ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini a.yaml --ask-pass 

